Thought some of my blogger comrades my be interested in my MAN UP update.

So I listed 6 of my negative traits, and said I’d begin with selfishness or I guess you can say attentiveness (or lack there of.)

 I will provide you with my progress.


One of my problems with this negative trait is my ability to not listen to people’s personal issues properly or just not  listen to their everyday banter or whatever random events were surrounding their lives more genuinely. Below I listed my progress with this flaw:

  1. I have made amends with one of the many people I’ve ignored. One person, being my upstairs neighbor. She has a good heart, but has a tendency to be repetitive with her issues. And I know we all have one time or another  been guilty of this. So I allowed her to join the walk with me to Stop N Shop (and usually I prefer handling even the most tiniest task alone) but allowed her to join me for the walk anyway. Not only that, later she asked if I would join her for a cigarette out front of my building to wait with her… while her youngest son returned from his 3rd day of preschool (which I complied 🙂 !) Of course she continued on with her need to detail every situation or issue that was bothering her, but  I calmed my ADD down and listened to her with complete focus and interest as she carefully detailed every point in her random conversation and personal issues. I even added good advice!
  2. I was between writing a piece, when a good friend interrupted me with some good news. He had received a job offer in an area which interested him. I was so anxious to get back to my writing, thinking I was going to lose complete control of my train of thought. But decided to stop writing, and bask in his joy and achievement. After talking with him for awhile, my anxiousness completely subsided, and became genuinely interested in his accomplishment, and with his ecstatic happiness. It truly made me happy to see him happy.  Later, realizing that there are more important things to focus my attention on, then my on personal eager needs.

So there you have it … still some ways to go. But I’m trying!


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