

I’ll be honest, before I started this blog, I had absolutely no idea where to begin or what I’m doing. I still have absolutely no idea what i’m doing. This blog will mostly consist of selected poems of mine. it will always consist of  random thoughts, or anything I find interesting to share. I told myself before I started a blog, I would be genuine. No Boundaries. No limits. So welcome to randomness, craziness, mania, thoughts and words!!!

8 thoughts on “About”

      1. I’ve listed the questions in the post..here are the questions that i made for you 🙂

        If you could travel anywhere in the universe (include the planets, stars and other galaxies, no worries) where would you go?
        Tea, coffee or both?
        What inspired you to create your blog?
        What is your favourite season?
        One thing that you lost, and miss dearly.
        Your favourite book (if you don’t read much then movie)
        The one song that makes you happy no matter what.
        Are you a morning or a night person?
        Do you like going to social events/parties/outings?
        Do you use a pen name/pseudonym?
        How many languages do you speak?

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This blog is about writing (poetry in particular) and random thoughts in a nutshell